
The Kuykendall Coalition actively raises awareness of the Rezoning Petition (RZP 2023-074) for land along Providence Road – South of Kuykendall and North of Country Lane. The Kuykendall Coalition came into existence to serve as a community voice representing the neighbors of Providence Road between Hwy 51 and Ballantyne Commons Roads.

The land being petitioned for rezoning is a noncontiguous block of land that has been purchased over time (starting in 2014) by C Investments 2, LLC, a company intending to build apartments, multifamily, and affordable housing units. While the land would have previously been developed with 3 single family homes per acre (R-3), the City of Charlotte’s new Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) now allows the land to be developed with 4 duplexes or triplexes per acre by right.  With the UDO, the name of this zoning has changed to N1-A, which is now the city’s lowest density zoning. While the active Rezoning Petition is for only the land owner’s 14 Acres on Providence Rd., the petitioner also owns ~12 acres to the East, noted in red on the map.

Rezoning Petition 2023-074 seeks approval to rezone 12 of the 14 acres on Providence Rd. to N2-C zoning, one of the highest zoning densities available in the city. Plans currently depict development of a 400-600 unit multi-level (up to 100’ tall) building of market rate apartments and a separate 150-200 unit affordable housing building on a roughly 10-acre plot along Providence Rd. The Petition also seeks N1-F rezoning on the remaining two acres of land, likely allowing an additional 50+ units East of the apartments.

The Kuykendall Coalition supports reasonable and responsible city development and aims to protect and preserve existing neighborhood character, especially in situations of infill development.  Infill development is characterized as building on unused lands within existing development patterns or neighborhoods.  We support growth and affordable housing throughout Charlotte when implemented at reasonable densities.

This is NOT responsible growth!


  • Oppose rezoning petition 2023-074 and maintain an N1-A place type
  • Lobby City Council and City Staff to refine “by-right” provisions in the N1 neighborhood place type to more accurately protect the current neighborhood character of infill situations and respect existing infrastructure constraints.

We invite you to join our coalition to defeat rezoning petition 2023-074 and protect the neighborhood character of our slice of Providence Road.  You can join our direct distribution list by emailing kuykendallcoalition@gmail.com (please provide household adult names, email addresses, contact information, and home street address).