• In-Person Meeting with Rezoning Land Owner/Petitioner

    There will be a community meeting held Tuesday, May 21st at 6:30pm.  While no advance registration is needed, we DO NEED a large turnout!  Please make every effort to attend the meeting, and come prepared to ask your questions.  Unlike the online zoom meetings where questions were pre-screened via chat window, an in-person event should allow…

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  • Sign the Petition!

    Anti-Rezoning Petition is Now Online SIGN THE PETITION HERE We have taken the important step of creating an online petition that describes our opposition to rezoning 2023-074 and asks Charlotte City Council members to vote against the rezoning.  Volume of signatures will be key in order for our petition to have significant impact.  Recent rezoning…

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  • Rezoning Signs Posted

    Rezoning signs were posted last week where Kuykendall Rd. and Country Ln. intersect with Providence Rd. A community meeting, organized by the developer, will likely occur in October. More information on this will follow as soon as it becomes available.

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